Our Christmas tree, this year, was the biggest I've ever experienced. Our trees of the past have been small table top trees because of cats, kid, and dog. The last few years we've went into Willamette Nat'l Forest and cut a small tree. Family fun! This year we went to a tree farm and Dave insisted on cutting our own, even though they had a man with a chain saw available. He did accept help carrying this beauty to the car, where it was tied on top of the station wagon.

Dave fit the tree into the stand and strung the lights. We didn't have enough blinking lights, so only the top half of the tree blinked with multi-colored lights. The bottom tree was adorned in red lights. We'll be purchasing all blinking lights on after Christmas clearance sales for next year.

Here's Dave dressing the tree with the topper we bought together our first Christmas. He had an idea of what he wanted for a top, and we searched and searched for it that Christmas, finally finding it in a specialty shop at Stoneridge Mall in San Ramon, CA.

Here's the biggest reason for putting up a grand tree! Christmas Morning arrived!

I was so missing Nick while I decorated the rest of the tree. So, here's his corner of the tree. This was his hand when he was 6, and a picture of him the same year. A few of his "first" ornaments, and the "n" he made while I decorated the hand. There are more, too many to squeeze into one picture.

Do any of my Brown cousins recognize this?

How about this? These two ornaments were hand made by Grandpa Brown, oh so many years ago.

This Jingle Beanie was the beginning of Desirae's collection. Her Grandma Lynn decorated her tree with these for Desi's first Christmas.

And this is our newest ornament. Desirae made it in Kindergarten this year. Perfect!