Mr. Hoffman completed building the boxes for the raised beds in our graden today. I neglected to take pictures. It seems the warmer weather creates flurries of activities, and I got behind, seriously behind, in the housework. Admittedly, I am a bit compulsive in this area, so it's all relative. When my son, Nick, (who's 19 now) was small, I washed the sand in his sandbox with Pinesol, thinking it would prevent him from getting sick. Desirae (who is 5 now) has a sand box with no lid, and I haven't even inspected the sand. So, things have changed a bit in the past 15 yrs. The CD's are not alphabetized any longer, either.
Today I planted some winter sqash (butternut) and 2 different types of cukes on my hills. No pictures of that either. I went to Walmart and got more seeds. They are only carrying Burpee right now. They sell organic seeds. Seems strange....I thought growing your own veggies was organic! I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation for why my veggies will not be organic because I refused to pay more for organic seeds. Maybe if the mood strikes me, I'll google it....someday. The CDs still need alphabetizing.
Kids get busier in the spring, and Desirae is no exception. She's in Dance, and there are so many scheduled performaces, I'm not sure we can keep up. Thankfully these "50 and going on 50" parents only have one child.
Yesterday was a beautiful day, and knowing it was going to be nice, we planned a picnic. Dave, Desi, Roy and I drove to Eugene and Picked up Barry. The trip out to Armitage was a bit crowded. I discovered an 80 lb puppy takes up more room than I do in the back seat. Barry's wheelchair filled the cargo part of the station wagon. So, Roy became a lap puppy for a few miles. We had a lovely picnic. Barry told me of a man named Ernie who tries to steal the food off his trays. Today the nursing home called and reported that Barry got into a fisticuffs with another resident. Barry can be difficult. So I asked if a man named "Ernie" was involved. Sure enough. No one knew that Ernie was trying to steal Barry's food. I'm glad we picnicked with him yesterday, and I got to hear his side of the story. Otherwise we might just be rolling our eyes at another "Barry incident".
Desirae needs to be evaluated to keep her eduacational services. This year, they wanted to include an IQ test. I agreed to it at first, and then thought it over, deciding that I didn't care to see a number placed on her abilities, and I certainly didn't want others to place a number on her. And then, I didn't want that number to get out into the, I changed my mind, and signed new papers today. The change went smoothly, and I felt like a responsible mom taking charge. I love it when things work out easily.
We still have to get dirt for our garden boxes before I can plant. The peach tree has tiny pink blossoms. I hope to get out with the camera tomorrow and take a few pictures. But then, we talked of going on a hike with "the kids" (Desi and Roy), so maybe we'll have pictures of the hike instead. Or not. I tend to forget the camera more often than I remember it.