These hills have been quite tedious in their upkeep. I've pulled weeds, and hoed, only to find out that I need to start all over once I was finished. It's really a never ending task of pulling, hoing and dealing with rocks.

All the hills had Rock borders when we moved here. The lawnmower hated Rock Borders, so we moved the ones that boarder the grass. Today, I understand why there were borders every where. You need somewhere close to chuck the rocks! I've planted Cucumbers, Pumkin, and Butternut squash on these hills. I'm really hoping they will choke out the weeds. And I'm hoping the deer will leave us a taste. If not, it's only a few packages of seeds lost. Wish me luck, I think I'm going to need it!
I posted a really-and I do mean real good squash soup recipe on my blog last fall. Our garden is still to wet to till and it just rained so it will be a bit, we have clay soil and it holds moisture. W battle the weeds here also, I think we may black plastic this year, we did it once years ago and it was the best garden we ever had. With the boys in baseball there's little time to weed. You are jumping back into gardening with both feet, good for you!!
ReplyDeleteAll of your gardening reminds me of the huge garden at Grandma & Grandpa's. Do you remember Grandpa chasing after those millers with the oil can? Or all of his holly hocks? Those are sweet memories for me.
ReplyDeleteSo far it's pouring and nothing is peeking out of the ground :(
ReplyDeleteTami, you just painted a picture...Grampa with his oil can! He did putz and tinker, didn't he? I remember he took all the twine from the hay bales and knotted it together, rolled it into balls and used it again the following year! Then when his sons showed up on the weekend, they had to fix the baler because of all his knots! My Dad finally got smart and started giving him a bale or 2 of their "extra" twine. Good memory of that little oil can. I'm gonna keep my eyes open for one just like it.