Sunday was a beautiful day here in Oregon, so we took the family to Armitage again, on the McKenzie River in Eugene. We were looking for a nice place that would not be crowded on a beautiful Sunday, and we scored! Dave knocked himself out all morning slaving over a hot stove while Desi and I went to church. We enjoyed his chicken and potato salad----especially me cause I didn't have to cook. Just like eating out!

Barry enjoyed getting out of the nursing home for a few hours, and then he liked going back as well. He enjoys Desirae and Roy, always making sure to feed Roy some of his chicken. Here he is, in one of his Ducks shirts. It was a nice time had by all. Roy was so well behaved, he was able to hang out without the leash most of the time. Desirae and Barry had a cookie eating contest, and we are pretty sure Desi won.
She does look lide a little cookie muncher! That is a sweet picture. Way to go Dave! Does he have a potaoto salad recipe? I'm kind of a potato salad snob, but always love to try new ones. It is so giving of you to take Barry out and about, it can't be easy. Roy is a very handsome lab, wait til Tami see's him. they had on for 12+years, he was very white like Roy. Now the best for last, cuz I'm that kind of person(its not always a good triat to have)--very nice picture of you, you look so content.
ReplyDeleteJody knows me so well. I was oogling over your very pretty boy Roy. He is beautiful. Just wait until he's around 3, and he will be the perfect dog. Our Isaac was a little crazy until then, but then we had 9 years of great memories. I still miss that silly old dog.