I'd like to introduce you to "Tigerlily". She was adopted by Dave's mother in 2000. The first time I saw her, she was a little ball of fluff. I seem to remember that Dave's sister Carla and her daughters (Lindsey and Lacey) had something to do with the arrival of Lily. My memory is not very clear. It was the first time I had visited Dave's family, a whirlwind of new faces and names, but I do remember the little ball of fluff, she was very captivating as a kitten.

As years went on, I referred to Lily as "fickle". She loved her own people, that was very clear. She lost her mom first. Then she poured all her love into Dave's dad, who was dying of bone cancer. She rode around on his shoulders, slept with him, was a constant fixture by his side. She was a major source of comfort for him, and he worried about what would happen to her after he passed. We assured him that she would have a good home, that we or Dave's brother would take her. She is one spoiled kitty. No one taught her to stay off the kitchen counters or table. She used to sit on the table and watch Elvin eat his chicken noodle soup. When Elvin became too tired to deal with combing her fur, I took over her grooming. She didn't like me very much back then. She would climb to her highest perch and lick her wounds when it was done. As Elvin was dying, she kept vigil, by his side on the bed. She was one lost kitty when he was gone. As we packed up the house, sold it, and moved to a rental, she became quite ill. I was so busy, working full time, moving, parenting, I almost forgot about Lily. One day, she threw up blood with a hairball. That's when I took notice. I combed her long fur out and gave her some extra attention. And that's all it took. She still wouldn't look at me while I petted her, but I did become her person. Just this past year, almost 3 years later, she finally looked at me while I loved on her. She sleeps at the bottom of the bed, at my feet. And she lets Desirae cart her about and puts up with all sorts of "loving" from the girl. I have said that Elvin would be amazed to see his fickle kitty now. She is very gentle with Desi. I come to her rescue quite often.

Through out my adult life, I've had various cats. I have not been a good cat owner. Most of my cats have not been fixed. I took outside cats, made them inside cats, and then left them to fend for themselves in the dead of winter, when I couldn't find an apartmant to take pets. The last kitties that haunt me were Nick's "LadyBird" and her baby "Jasmine". Two very striking Tourtise Shells, that I had to take to the shelter when I left Nick's Dad. Again, an apartment that didn't allow pets. Some time later I moved, and went back to the shelter to inquire about them. All they told me was that LadyBird and Jasmine were no longer at the shelter. :( I really didn't want to know more. We've adopted 4 cats since. Charlie, who was on antidepressants. Dave decided to put him down when the drugs stopped working. Dino, who met his demise in a hayfield in Minnesota. We still miss him so much.

And Gabriel (aka "Zorro!"). He was short-haired when we adopted him from the shelter. Gabriel was my baby when I was pregnant with Desi. After she was born, he would inch up on my lap as I was holding her, and gently push her away, so he could have the best spot for himself! He is now Dave's cat, and a bit de-throned by Roy, our 1 yr old lab.
TigerLily is my penance kitty....she is the cat I would never choose to have because of all that fur. She gets up on the counters and the table, teaching Gabriel her bad manners. She insists on sitting in front of my moniter, knocking the papers off my desk. The cat fur rolls across the kitchen floor when slight brezze comes along But, we are her people now, and she gives us her love every day. And, she'll be with us for the rest of her life, because all my kitties deserved that, and most of them didn't get it.
We are taught that animals have no souls. I never seriously subscribed to this notion. One day I read a story about a man and his dog at the gates of heaven, and St Peter told him he could come in, but the dog would have to stay behind. And the man exclaimed that "it would be hell to be with out his best friend, and declined that heaven....he went on to find his true heaven, where he and his dog could be together forever. I loved that story. I believe there is a very special place for our loyal loving pets, and I'm sure TigerLily will get to be with Lynn and Elvin again someday. Til, then, she's here with us....her second family.
Great story about TigerLily and your other cats. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.