Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Too Blessed?

I'm learning.....I need to practice restraint in purchasing clothing for the girl. She grows every year, leaving many items un-used, or practically new. Just when I think, I have enough in one size, a nice wardrobe....she grows! Leaving gorgeous little outfits behind.

Thank goodness for garage sales. I am not scrambling to accommodate her wardrobe like I was last Oct.-Nov. She's getting quite chubby, like some kids with Downs Syndrome do. Oh, heck, it's in the genes as well. Mom was a chubby kid, and so was her brother at this age (he is very slim today). She is not allowed very much junk, and we never eat out, but she is a bit of a couch potato at times. I'm only 1/2 guilty, I think :)

Anyways....good bye to the last of the size 6's. We are holding out for a sweater and a dress in that size. Hello to the introduction of size 10-12 shirts. There's some cute ones, so that feels good. And....I get to start shopping all over again!


  1. Brenda,
    I too struggle in this area. I want my kiddos to look nice, but I also don't want to waste. My problem is they seem to have favorite things, and when they grow I find things at the bottom of the drawers they have never worn. With that in mind, I buy very little clothing for the oldest. Why waste money on things that just sit in the dresser?

    As for you being chubby as a kid? I do not remember that. Are you sure?

  2. *choking* and lol. I think I was about 8 when Mom told me I looked pregnant. Nice. Yeah, I was always chubby til my late teens, early 20's. Then it came back again with children. But, I'm okay with it today.
