Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Hills are Alive!

The Blackberries in bloom on the hill between us and our upper neighbor.

The rocky hill that I sowed wild flowers into.

The "everything but the kitchen sink" hill. In the foreground is pumpkin. We also have zucchini, yellow squash and cucumbers, roses, and trees.

The cucumber hill in the foreground, and the butternut squash hill in the background.


  1. You have black berries!! And you changed your name! When your post popped up I thought I'd for got some one I followed!!

  2. I didn't like my last name, but couldn't think of anything else. While I was out watering this AM it started coming to me.

  3. Oh, the black berries of the Pacific Northwest. There is really nothing better. I hope we don't miss them this summer. Last time we lived in WA picking berries was a favorite summer activity for us. I would make cobbler until we had blackberries coming out of our ears. IF we don't miss them, I want to freeze a bunch for winter. They are so expensive to buy, and they are never as yummy.
