Saturday, July 25, 2009

The frog kettle

Saturday morning....nothing to pick or water. Mr. Hoffman took the dog on a hike. Desi is chasing Tigerlily all over the house. And I seem to have found the time to blog on the frog kettle.

Here it is. Daughter tossed the whistle under the porch, and I haven't retrieved it yet. The lid is still sitting out back with the flower pots. Dave has yet to drill holes in the bottom of this thing. I've never drilled metal, so waiting for him....someday. It belonged to Dave's mom (Lynn), and Dave burned it dry and ruined the finish. I saved it for a planter. It's growing frogs.

A new frog this morning!


  1. Frogs, how cool is that. Did you put anything in there to attract the frogs? My kiddos would absolutely love to have a frog garden.

  2. That is so fun! I love love this post! That is really a great idea for a planter. And I love the teapot. Our oldest had tree frogs in her room for a winter, started with 3 but let that one go when we realized it was the croaker of the bunch, the other two had totally different personalities.
