Sunday, March 21, 2010

What do you do?

I never quite know what to do when I hit send and maybe I shouldn't have. We ALL have bad days. Some of us have a "blog of pretty things". That's nice. Real....not so sure. And then again I've stepped into some blogs that are diatribes of all that's wrong in the world today. People blog on so many things. One other time when I decided to "be real" on my blog, I deleted it a few days later. It's kind of like asking someone how they are. I've replied "Fine, unless you want the long version". People laugh, and most pass. A few have actually wanted the long version. And that can be awkward as well.

I love my life, but most days it requires big girl panties. If I can't put those on in the morning, chances are you won't see me. On Friday, I ventured into bloggy world without getting dressed. I did not venture out in public, except to do what was absolutely necessary. When I have nothing to give...what comes out is not worth getting! I just thank God that most days are good.

A few quick takes of life recently--

We finished fencing in the back yard. Or I should say Dave finished, as I didn't much fencing. But I sure love the rewards! My days have been made easier, sending Roy out instead of walking him or checking on him every three minutes. Walking him is great unless I have both him and the girl and it's raining. I swear this week, I did not see him poop even once. I just sent him out the back door. Cool. And the girl can go out and play on her swing by herself as well. I love it!

Yesterday was spent hoeing the weeds out from my garden boxes while Dave overhauled the garden tractor/lawn mower that is ancient. Then we went to home depot and got boards for making my garden boxes deeper. We have mushroom compost sitting outside to complete the garden project, and then I'll start planting. Spring is here!

This coming week we have a ton of Doctor appts---getting ready to lose Desi's tonsils and adenoids. It's also spring break.

I'm starting to feel better, taking glucosimine along with my vitamin regimen. And I received a good dose of sunshine while hoeing the garden. The vitamin D deficiency was kicking my butt, and while I feel better, am still not 100%. A small loss of sleep sends me into a tail spin.

My parents are doing well after both having procedures. My Dad is high on life cause not only did he get a second chance, he seems to be more energetic. It's neat to talk to him these days. Mom's recovery feels a bit slower to her, a knee replacement. She has the post-surgery exhaustion going on.

~~~~Hope this finds you all well and happy~~~

1 comment:

  1. Yeah about the fence. It is a life saver with children and dogs.
    I didn't know your parents had all the med. stuff going on. I'm glad to hear they are on the mend.
    As for those big girl panties, well you are right. Life requires them. Sometimes it is just easier for me to slip them on than others. Like you said, with God all things are possible. Right now I'm having a somewhat disturbing image of Him dressing me like a toddler. Me whining, and saying I want to run around nude. Him being the eternal patient parent, standing there with my panties in hand. Waiting quietly while I get over my little snit.
    Most of the time you see the good things on my blog, as the things that are difficult for me generally involve parenting and schooling my children. I may mention a struggle, but most times feel it is too private for everyone. Sort of a not wanting to air the Nomad laundry in public.
    You are right though. Life is hard, but good. We just don't always see the struggles of others. I know on more than one occassion I've been told how patient I am with my crazy boys. I'm always shocked and think to myself, "if they only heard what was going on in my head!"
    I guess I'm a big chatty. Hope this finds you well cousin. Yes, I too am excited about a visit. We are getting busy with baseball, but let's start talking time frames. I'd love to join your family on one of those beautiful hikes.
